Your bone density naturally lowers as you grow older, and women in particular need to take steps to prevent osteoporosis.

The female gender has a higher risk of developing this condition because of the decrease in oestrogen levels associated with age. Other risk factors are:

  • Family history – Genetics play a role in bone health. Take note if anyone in your family broke a bone, lost height quickly, or has this diagnosis. All those are indicators of low bone density.
  • Medical history – Some illnesses and medications increase the risk of osteoporosis. Check with your doctor to make sure you can take the necessary steps to improve your bone health.
  • Poor lifestyle – factors such as cigarette smoking, excessive consumption of caffeine and alcohol, and low levels of physical activity also make people more inclined to this condition.
  • Low calcium levels – Calcium is one of the primary components of our bones. Without it, our bones become weak and vulnerable to breaks or loss.

Better Than Cure: 3 Tips to Prevent Osteoporosis

There is no specific cure for osteoporosis, but you can undergo treatment to slow bone loss. That is why appropriate prevention is crucial. Minimizing the risk factors above can help your body to avoid osteoporosis.
There are many things you can do to improve your bone health. You can start with these three simple steps.

  1. Get calcium every day.
    The primary sources of calcium are dairy products. You can also find this mineral in fruits like apricot, kiwi, or orange and leafy green vegetables. Exposure to the sun is equally important as Vitamin D helps our body absorb calcium. Without these two, our bones will not be able to grow sturdier naturally. You can also get enough calcium and vitamin D by taking supplements.
  1. Exercise regularly.
    Weight-bearing and muscle-strengthening exercises help with building our bones and keeping them healthy. Some samples are brisk walking, hiking, low-impact aerobics, and squats. If you are unsure of the exercises you can do with your body, check with a doctor or physical therapist to find out what types are safe for you. They can help you come up with a routine that matches your weight and fitness level. This process will help you avoid falls and fractures. Plus, regular exercise also lessens the risk of other chronic diseases such as heart conditions, diabetes, and many types of cancer.
  1. Avoid smoking and minimize alcohol consumption.
    Smoking is a risk factor not just for osteoporosis but also heart disease and lung cancer. Studies have shown smoking increase the chances of getting a fracture while it also negatively impacts bone healing.
    Too much alcohol affects the balance of calcium in the body. Chronic heavy drinking may also cause deficiencies in testosterone and oestrogen levels, increasing the risk for osteoporosis. Since alcohol affects balance and gait, people who drink excessively tend to incur more fractures and injuries than those who don’t.
    Osteoporosis is a dangerous condition when you overlook it, but thankfully, you can easily take steps to lessen the risks of getting it.
    Talk to your doctor about your chances, and follow the steps above to prevent osteoporosis.