Courtney Thorpe’s health and fitness tips
Miss World Australia Courtney Thorpe share’s her health and fitness secrets.
Courtney Thorpe’s health and fitness tips – IMAGE – Women’s Health & Fitness
On diet
To me, a healthy diet is a balanced diet. It isn’t about completely banning foods you love, especially at a celebration when everyone around you is indulging! Treat yourself, try not to feel guilty about it (I know, it’s easier said than done), and go back to your usual diet afterwards.
I always have almonds in my handbag for when I need a quick snack, but if I am at home I love beans and hummus.
I don’t drink anything other than water, so limiting my alcohol consumption isn’t a problem for me. Yes, I know that makes me sound crazy, and it isn’t even for the health benefits (although that is a bonus); I just don’t like the taste of anything else!
Unfortunately, I think most of us feel pressure to look a certain way no matter what industry we are in. I am only human and, of course, there are things about my body I would like to change, but rather than focusing on those in a negative way, I am slowly learning to use them as motivation to keep working and focus more positively on the parts of my body I like.
On fitness
Being healthy is about a holistic approach to life; no element is mutually exclusive. Fitness, diet, mind, attitude and emotions all play equal parts in being truly healthy.
I am up at 5:15am every day to get to training by 6am. I do an hour-and-a-half of both strength and cardio. I then meditate for as long as I can before getting distracted (or falling asleep!), which is usually about half an hour. I also do another hour of cardio later in the afternoon which is my favourite part of the day. I love a good run on the treadmill!
My days consist of training, meditation, researching, keeping up to date with current world affairs, plus practising my talent – walking, posture and speaking.
On fashion and beauty
My top styling tip is to dress for your body shape. Don’t get too caught up in trends, brands or sizes; figure out what your body shape is and research what styles and cuts best suit you.
On stress
To reduce stress, I have two options. The first is a long bubble bath, but more often and usually more effectively for me, it’s getting on the treadmill with my headphones in and running. Got to love those endorphins!
My favourite saying is, ‘You can’t be responsible for someone else’s actions, but you are responsible for your reactions.’
NEXT: Holly Barker’s cover model secrets>>