5 ways to boost your energy levels in the morning

Are your energy levels low despite sleeping well? Here are five tips meal timing tips to boost your energy levels.



Integrative medicine specialist and author of Are You Tired and Wired? Marcelle Pick suggests:

  1. If possible, eat breakfast by 7am or within an hour of getting up (a half hour after waking is even better) to restore blood-sugar levels after using glycogen stores at night.
  2. Aim for a nutritious snack around 10am to keep your blood sugar stable.
  3. Try to eat lunch between noon and 1pm. Your morning meal and snack can be used up quickly.
  4. Eat a nutritious snack between 2pm and 3pm to get you through the natural dip in cortisol around 3pm or 4pm.
  5. Make an effort to eat dinner by 6pm and make this your lightest meal of the day.

NEXT: Working out? Discover the key to nailing specific meal timing tricks for the best results.




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