Many of us forget to count the calories (kJs) in our morning coffee. Find out how many calories there are in lattes, frappes and cappuccinos.
Drinking milk is the most natural thing in the world – it’s about the first thing we actively do as babies, after all. And you should be drinking milk to ward off osteoporosis.
But many of us forget to count the calories in our mochas (oh okay, just one marshmallow) towards our daily energy intakes, with the two-a-day latte set sipping enough kJs to add an extra kilo in around three weeks.
We’re not suggesting giving up the beans, but consider skim milk in frothy bevs (it foams better, anyway), skip the cream topping and marshies, and think about swapping the second cup for café au tearoom.
When you begin a diet it is easy to get carried away with calorie constriction. It is often found that diets focusing on calorie consumption do not yield the best results overall, and a simple switch to healthy eating can have an outstanding effect on your weight-loss journey. But calories do still play an important part in your venture toward healthy eating in the long run. Knowing what foods are high in calories, due to high fat or sugar content, is a great start when making substitutions to your current diet. This can do a world of good when you are trying to lose weight and keep the kilos off too!
One of the highest calorie beverages in this day and age is the coffee. We have a range of different hot beverages, all with their own unique calorie count and reasons behind a high or low amount of calories all up. Things such as the type of milk that you use, the amount of sugars you include and the type of coffee beverage that you enjoy will impact on the overall calorie count.
Coffee itself, the ground coffee bean, does not generally contain any calories. It is all about the way you drink it. Coffee does come with a range of health benefits, including a lowering of blood pressure, reduced blood fats and the caffeine can even promote fat burning. We will take a look below at the average coffee, at 220mL of different types of coffees and how the additives affect their calorie count.
How many kJ/ calories in coffeee?
full-cream milk = 705kJ/ 179 calories
skim milk = 390kJ/ 93 calories
A flat white is a classic favourite. The full cream version will set you back 179 calories on average, and 7 grams of fat. In comparison if you use skim milk as an alternative, it will reduce your calorie intake by 86 calories and down to 0 grams of fat. These calculations are also true for the average latte.
full-cream milk = 84kJ / 20 calories
skim milk = 76kJ / 18 calories
full-cream milk = 705kJ / 168 calories
skim milk = 405kJ / 97 calories
full-cream milk = 894kJ / 214 calories
skim milk = 627kJ / 150 calories
= 1,320kJ / 315 calories (more than a Mars bar!)
full-cream milk = 690kJ / 165 calories
skim milk = 402kJ / 96 calories
A cappuccino, one shot espresso with 1/3 milk and 1/3 froth, has a smaller calorie count of 165 calories and 6 grams of fat. It has a lower calcium content due to the reduced amount of milk in comparison to the latte and flat white counterparts.
A macchiato, which is a shot of coffee with a dash of milk, will set you back 13 or 18 calories when made with skim or full cream milk respectively. One of the highest calorie coffees is a mocha, which includes a shot of chocolate syrup. It sits at 160 calories for the full cream version or 100 calories for the skim milk version.
*Based on 300ml serving. Each coffee above is calculated without sugar. Each teaspoon of sugar will set you back an additional 15 calories per spoonful.
How many calories in milk?
SKIMMED (0.1 per cent fat)
Energy: 355kJ/85 calories, Fat: 0.3g, Protein: 9g,
Carbs: 12g, Calcium: 292.5mg
LOW-FAT (1 per cent fat)
Energy: 500kJ/120 calories, Fat: 1.5g, Protein: 10g, Carbs: 15g, Calcium: 350mg
FULL-CREAM COWS (3.6 per cent fat)
Energy: 700kJ/167 calories, Fat: 10g, Protein: 8.8g,
Carbs: 11.8g, Calcium: 292.5mg
Energy: 698kJ/167 calories, Fat: 4.5g, Protein: 7.8g, Carbs: 23.5g, Calcium: 297.5mg
Soy milk, as it is usually the full fat kind used in coffee shops, can set you back 80 calories for a latte and 3 grams of fat. But it is overall still the healthier choice of milk, especially for those lactose intolerants among us.
* Based on 250ml serving
Do not be fooled by chai lattes either. The chai powder used is often packed with sugar and will include around 4 teaspoons of sugar per cup.
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