Why You Need To Double-Check Your Health Cover 

As we head into the warmer weather, we’re ready to kick new fitness goals and start getting our bodies moving again. While all that extra exercise is super-beneficial, are you prepared if anything goes wrong? Imagine if you pull your back or need an appointment with a physio. Will your health cover look after you? 


There are no more rainy days left to look at your insurance plan. Give yourself and your family peace of mind and know that it’s being taken care of today. Getting in touch with the right insurer will help clear up any details. Here to simplify the process is Australian insurer GMHBA. They’ll guide you through every step and help you decide on the most cost-effective extras best for you. 


Extras For An Active Lifestyle 

Whatever your favourite type of exercise, it’s worth being prepared for any unexpected injuries. It’s just the reality of an active lifestyle. Taking another look at your insurance plan could be a big help. Private health insurance can help with the cost of services Medicare doesn’t cover. Give yourself a head start on recovery and be covered for your next visit to the chiropractor, physio or get a remedial massage. And the best part? If you’re a GMHBA member, you’ll be able to claim on the spot at more than 26,000 providers nationally. 


Prepare For Pregnancy 

Expanding your family is an exciting time but also comes with a long to-do list and lots of preparation work. One of the popular things to tick off is sorting out your health cover. It will help give peace of mind when the little ones do arrive. 


Health funds have a 12-month waiting period before full pregnancy, and birth claims can be made. So add pregnancy cover within plenty of time so you can make sure you’ve served your waiting period before you want to start using your cover. Add private health cover to your family planning early on, and you’ll free up your schedule to think about the essential things, like your little one. 

Here’s something else to keep in mind. Some insurers will charge excess payments the more children that are added onto your cover. Make sure you take a closer look at your plan and double-check that it doesn’t include any hidden fees. 


The good news is at GMHBA, you won’t be charged extra for the size of your family. Whether you have one child or four, the cost of your health insurance will stay the same. The cost depends on the level of cover and the extras you choose. Let the team guide you through the extras that will make the most sense for your family. 

Are you ready to personalise your private health cover to suit your lifestyle? And stop paying for services you don’t use. Get in touch with GMHBA today and let their team find the right cover for you.