By embracing an unstructured routine, Andrea Vass achieved weight loss success and discovered a more positive outlook on life.

I was motivated to join the BodyBlitz 12-week challenge when my second child was two months old. My weight was at an all time (non-pregnant) high of nearly 80kg and I felt heavy. Having a four-year-old and a baby, I knew that I could drastically improve my energy levels as well as my state of mind through eating well and exercising. The 12-week BodyBlitz challenge was a great way to get started.

The main hurdle was opportunity. Being a stay-at-home mum made it hard to implement an exercise routine, so instead I decided to try to include some exercise each day at some point. When my four-year-old was at kinder, or if ‘bubs’ had a sleep I would do exercise DVDs in the lounge room. When I visited my parents on the weekends, they would take care of the kids while I went on their treadmill or exercise bike. My partner runs a personal training studio, so we would also go there if he had a break between clients and he’d play with the kids while I trained. This was my best opportunity for weight training and I took it. I also took advantage of ‘baby wearing’ and would wrap my baby onto my back or my chest and do squats and lunges at home. And of course, if the sun was out we’d take the dogs for a walk in the park. I also had a weekly game of basketball while mum sat on the side with my girls.

Having played basketball for most of my life and being a personal trainer and Body Combat instructor prior to having children, I found it a lot more challenging to maintain an exercise regime that wasn’t very structured, but I felt the benefits instantly, so that was very motivating. I was reminded of that fantastic post-workout high and I loved it! Now I am enjoying feeling much lighter and having better energy levels despite being up four or more times most nights. And I think what I’m most pleased about is that this hasn’t been a health kick with an end point. Becoming a mum has helped me to approach health and, in particular, fitness, with a more balanced perspective than

I had in the past and I know I’ll continue to eat well and exercise from this point, and reap the rewards.

Want to lose weight? Enter the 12-week challange today!