A healthy metabolism is key to a healthy weight. Boost yours with tips from sports dietitian Dan Benardot.
1. Regulate blood sugar: Don’t skip meals. Blood sugar, the primary fuel for the brain and an important fuel for working muscles, drops when you are sleeping, when you are more active (walking, exercising, etc.) and when you skip meals. After going for long periods without food, you experience a rise in stress hormones and you unfortunately then break down your muscle (not fat) to supply quick energy.
2. Crank up the fibre: Fresh fruit and vegetables and whole grains enhance digestion and improve the delivery of energy and nutrients to the blood by moderating the insulin response. This helps you feel full and lowers production of fat, associated with too much insulin production.
3. Load up on H20: Being hydrated helps you feel full and enhances your digestion and absorption of nutrients.
4. Limit protein per serve: Instead of a big serve at your evening meal, distribute your protein intake throughout the day to help you sustain/improve your muscle mass and reduce the chance that your protein will be stored as fat.
5. Ease off the vino: Consuming more than one glass of wine with dinner interferes with your ability to metabolise energy, causing more fat storage.
6. Bask in the sun: Exposing your skin to a little regular sunlight is a good way to absorb vitamin D, which is pivotal for bone health and for reducing muscle soreness and improving muscle recovery after exercise.
7. Schedule lattes: On occasion, caffeine can benefit exercise because it is a central nervous system stimulant that provides energy; helps improve blood delivery (and nutrients) to working muscle and; enhances fat metabolism so your limited carbohydrate stores don’t run out as fast.
NEXT: Try this delicious breakfast juice to kick start your day.