The sisters behind Base Body Babes

We chat to the sisters behind the @basebodybabes to find out what their life in fitness involves.

Base Body Babes sisters - Women's Health and Fitness magazine.



For anyone who grew up with a mad love for their soul sister, or who wouldn’t be seen dead in the gym without their fit buddy, this dynamic duo is for you. Personal trainers and experts in post-pregnancy fat loss, the basebodybabes love spoiling us with athletic snaps almost too cute to handle. The happy pair offer a range of online personal training systems for women, run their own successful business in Base Gym and top it off with health food café Base Fuel, brimming with raw, sugar-free deserts.

Our career

“Once we started training and helping others, everything shifted for us and we knew this was what we wanted to do. As sisters, the fact that we could do it together was even better. We felt like we had a lot to offer our clients and women in general – it’s a really great feeling helping them achieve their goals and change their lives.  It was a no brainer for us, we just had to make a career out of it.”

Our fitness regime
“Weights, weights and more weights! We lift between three-to-six times per week and we love it! Our system is based on a combination of strength and circuit-style training.”

My nutrition
“We love to eat fresh, natural wholefoods. We have a portion of protein with every meal, with lots of vegies and some fruit. We drink loads of water throughout the day and we try not to buy too many processed or packaged foods.”

Behind the scenes
“We tend to store fat in the lower part of our bodies, which is common for women. When we were younger, we weren’t so great at appreciating our natural body shape. As we grew up, and became more educated and experienced in life, we began to realise that we are all different as humans and we should embrace our natural curves. We have booties, so rather than trying to change that, we work it!”

NEXT: Find more motivational tips from the experts here.



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