Food trend: cold brew coffee

Have you wondered what the cold brew fuss is about? Discover how to team from Darlo Coffee ace the coffee making game.

Darlo Cold Brew - Women's Health and Fitness magazine



In recent years there has been a return to slow drip methods for making coffee, utilising equipment that looks like it belongs in an episode of Breaking Bad.

For the cold drip technique, water is dripped through the coffee to a glass container below. For the cold brew technique, the coffee is immersed in the water for the entire brewing time.

Sydney brothers Ben and Erol Salcinovic are self-confessed ‘coffee snobs’ who make their living from producing cold brewed coffee in Darlington, Sydney.

“We work with the best artisan roasters in town to create the freshest cold brew,” says Erol.

“Our flavours are drawn from a slow and precise steeping process where freshly roasted coffee is brewed over several hours in cold water. This allows for even extraction, and for the natural flavour and sweetness of the coffee to shine through, avoiding any unpleasant bitterness or acidity,” Ben says.

“You can then enjoy the coffee straight, or add a splash of cream or your choice of milk.”

Read more about how caffeine affects your cravings



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