Does self-hypnosis work? One WH&F reader found it helped her deal with social anxiety.

I didn’t go out unless I absolutely had to; I would even get my shopping delivered. And when I did go out I would panic to the point of an anxiety attack. I knew I had to dig myself out of it but I didn’t know how.

I started ordering all these self-help books on anxiety and confidence and came across self-hypnosis. I found it difficult because I’d never been hypnotised before, but I was intrigued. So I rang up a hypnotherapist – the closest one I could find. This was a huge step for me, just asking for help as I had been completely closed off.

I was blown away. I not only started to see how I had become this way but also what I needed to do to break away from these negative triggers. I was also able to take a lot of these techniques home and practise self-hypnosis. It’s a year later. I’m not there yet, but I’m going out and meeting up with old friends I haven’t seen in years and I’m able to calm myself down when I start to feel anxiety coming on.

Sam, Perth

Are you struggling with anxiety? Read ourtop  6 anxiety strategies or seek professional help. You’re not alone!