In Australia, we are fortunate to enjoy an excellent healthcare system. By world standards, our medical services are right up there, and our professionals are highly-skilled. Unfortunately, negligence does sometimes occur, and, especially in cases of plastic surgery, patients may be disappointed with the results. Unsatisfactory plastic surgery outcomes may have significant physical and psychological effects on patients who suffer from health or body image issues.

Woman under the plastic surgery

About Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is a medical procedure (or a series of procedures) performed by a specialist to reshape the appearance of a part of the body. It’s generally undertaken to correct a physical issue or improve body image with the aim of boosting self-confidence and self-esteem.  

While often an optional procedure, in many cases, plastic surgery is essential and life-changing. Every year, thousands of Australians make a choice to go under the knife expecting excellent results, getting everything from skin grafts to facelifts. Often, they are well-rewarded. However, there are risks associated with any medical procedure, and there may be serious consequences that can leave patients unhappy with the outcome of their plastic surgery.

What happens if I’m unhappy with the result of my plastic surgery?

If you are considering the option of plastic surgery, it’s important that you meet with your surgeon and discuss every aspect of your proposed surgery. Research the procedure and weigh the pros and cons before you give your consent. Just because you are unhappy with the result of your surgery doesn’t necessarily mean that you can make a negligence claim. Unfortunately, too many procedures are undertaken without the patient giving due consideration to the downsides of their surgery.

About Medical Negligence

As with any medical procedure, errors sometimes occur with plastic surgery. Patients may be entitled to claim compensation if they have sustained a permanent injury, which is outside of the known side effects of the surgery.  

Here are some of the reasons you may be able to claim compensation:

  • If you’ve suffered excessive scarring from the procedure
  • The affected area is disfigured
  • You’ve experienced unexpected rashes in the affected area
  • Changes in skin pigmentation
  • Damage to the surrounding tissue or vessels
  • Adverse mental health effects

In these cases, you’ll want to meet with a compensation lawyer who can investigate whether your medical practitioner was negligent and what this means for your case.

A medical practitioner may be proved to have been negligent if they:

  • Didn’t fully inform the patient of all risks and possible side effects of the surgery
  • Used inadequate equipment to perform the surgery
  • Has performed the procedure in an unregulated clinic
  • Didn’t undertake the appropriate assessments to ensure that the patient is physiologically suitable for to undergo the procedure
  • Were unlicensed
  • Performed surgery that resulted in unreasonable damage
  • Did not administer your anaesthesia or medication correctly
healthcare, medical and plastic surgery concept – plastic surgeon and nurse with patient in hospital

How do I claim compensation?

Before you begin a claim, it’s best to consult with a compensation lawyer that specialises in medical negligence. This will give you a good indication of how likely your claim is to succeed, saving you precious time and money in the long run. Botched plastic surgery claims often require a lot of paperwork, and your lawyer will be able to assist you with this. Make sure they can handle your claim from start to finish, ensuring you have the support you need while working towards the best possible outcome.

What you can claim from botched plastic surgery

If your claim is successful, you may be eligible to receive financial compensation to help you get your life back on track.

You may be entitled to receive funds to:

  • Help with your recovery
  • Help to cover the cost of any counselling or psychological support you need
  • Reimburse any medical expenses
  • Cover lost income
  • Help with any further medical treatment or surgery

How to choose a compensation lawyer for your botched plastic surgery claim

If you would like to pursue a compensation claim with a lawyer, the first thing to do is make some phone calls and send enquiries to a couple of firms. Talk to as many people as you need to in order to find someone you feel comfortable with and who understands your situation. 

If you’re not sure where to start, you can talk to friends and family for recommendations or join some Facebook groups and ask around. Parenting and suburb-specific groups are great places to start.

Some things you may want to consider when choosing your compensation lawyer include:

  • Whether they are a specialised compensation law firm or a generalist firm
  • Their experience and reputation in the industry
  • Their reviews on Google and Facebook
  • Whether they align with your goals

Once you’ve chosen someone you think you might be happy with, simply book an initial consultation where you can get to know each other and discuss your case. Some law firms may even offer a ‘No Win, No Fee’ service, where you don’t have to pay anything until your case is successfully resolved.