This company suggests you can lose up to 6cm in five weeks. Question is, do they deliver?
The treatment: Endermologie
The G.O: Endermologie is a specialised weight loss treatment that works by applying a small hand-held treatment head with motorised suction and rollers to the area. You’ll don a full-length body stocking, while the suction and rollers work over the entire body, concentrating on problem areas. It promises to break down fat and speed up your metabolism. If you’re bloated or complain of fluid retention, then this is for you.
The numbers: The company suggests you can lose up to six cm in five weeks.
The time frame: 10 sessions over five weeks.
What the expert says: “This can help to alleviate bloating, as does any form of lymphatic drainage massage,” says Di Prima. “Of course, as with any form of losing weight and keeping it off, you’ll need to address your exercise and diet program for ways to change your habits for the better.”
Cost: From $120–$150 per session
Contact details: or call 1300 257020.
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