If you plan on organizing a baby shower for your friend or a close relative then here are few things you need to keep in mind:

Keep a Checklist

Unlike other surprise parties baby shower requires a lot of creativity. In order to make it interesting you will have to come up with unique games that will keep the guests entertained. You will also have to order food according to the theme for example you will have to colour code the cupcakes if it’s a boy you could go for blue cupcakes whereas if it’s a girl you could have a pink theme. In order to ensure that you don’t miss any of these it is better to keep a checklist so you will not have to panic the last moment.

Keep It Low

Parties like baby shower should be kept as a surprise to the new mother to truly make her happy. This can be hard especially if you live with the person or meet her on a regular basis. However, you could take a few precautions, for example, don’t let them use your phone as there could be a chance where they might read the messages. You could also get their husband involved to help you with the party preparations. Also since your friend might not know about the surprise she won’t be dressed for the occasion this is why you could keep an outfit ready so after the surprise she could get dressed up and join the party. Another great way to surprise your friend is by getting a gift for her or the baby. It doesn’t have to be expensive, you could check out nursery decor for baby accessories on an online store such as Mini Heritage.

Organize It Right

If you plan on having a grand baby shower then make sure you organize it right. This could be a lot of work so make sure you divide it among other friends and family member. Do not compromise on the food, choose reputed caterers to ensure food is tasty and hygienic. You don’t have to have a lot of dishes, having few mains such as rice, pasta or even pizza would do. You could get a customized cake, there are plenty of designs online so choose the one you like the best. A baby shower is incomplete without games so make sure you don’t miss on this segment. There are many games such as dirty diapers, guess the food and many more. If you have the budget then you could also have a photo boot session, you could prepare few props, you could hire a professional photographer or if the budget is you could simply take pictures from a phone.

Lastly, keep a theme this is because when guests are colour coordinated or dressed according to the theme the party looks even grander. If the gender of the baby is revealed then you could opt for a colour code for example you could ask the guests to wear pink if the mother is expecting a girl. One could even ask the guests to dress in different cartoon characters, however, when doing the latter it is important to inform the guests beforehand as they will need time to organize their costumes.  Also don’t be afraid to throw in some cheeky adult gifts if you know your crowd well.