Hearing sound frequencies can facilitate quicker recovery from injuries, diseases, and surgical procedures. Hearing loud noises can also help people recover from hearing loss.

The alterations in the energy field of the body that can occur as a consequence of receiving sound therapy have the potential to affect a variety of mental, physical, and emotional health problems. Learn about the science behind frequency healing as you make a decision to visit a frequency healer.

The science behind sound therapy


When two systems that are running at different frequencies are brought into resonance with one another, a transfer of energy takes place. When subjected to certain frequencies, the human body exhibits a beneficial response. Entrainment is the name given to the phenomenon that takes place when two systems with similar tuning create vibrations at different frequencies. Entrainment is a process that enables different systems to vibrate at the same frequency and synchronise with one another.


Sound is a type of vibration, and this type of vibration can pass through the cell membrane and change the molecules that are contained within the cell. Listening to music with the appropriate frequency range can improve a person’s well-being on multiple fronts, including the physical, the emotional, the mental, and the spiritual. There is neither a danger nor a possibility of distress associated with the utilization of sound therapy for remedial purposes.


When we are vibrating at our natural frequency, we are operating at the point where we can perform at our fullest potential. The manifestation of sickness occurs when the resonance frequency of the body becomes discordant and out of harmony. As a direct consequence of this, certain of our flooring now exhibits a variation that is startlingly large in terms of volume and/or vibration. The body’s normal vibration can be helped to return thanks to the use of a technique called sympathetic resonance, which involves the application of sound healing.


The physiological idea of entrainment is what enables treatment with sound to be effective. Entrainment is the name given to the process that takes place when the vibrations of two or more moving bodies become coordinated with one another. All other complex systems, including the brain, are subject to the same physical constraint; the brain is not an exception. Entrainment of brain waves refers to the process by which electrical resonance develops in the brain as a response to rhythmic sensory input, such as sound or light.


Entrainment can take place when the brain is exposed to certain rhythmic stimuli. A cortical evoked response is the name given to the flow of electrical current that is generated by the brain in reaction to the stimulation of the senses. Periodic stimulation is utilized by the brain to bring these electromagnetic cycles into sync with the stimuli. This point will be emphasized throughout the FFR explanation.


Final thoughts


A therapeutic state of mind can be brought about through the use of sound therapy by employing a method known as frequency following resonance (FFR). It is possible to change our mental moods by producing noises that are calming, relaxing, and revitalising. Meditation, lucid dreaming, and enlightenment are all considered to be significant spiritual worlds. FFR is responsible for facilitating these states. One such range is the frequency range of theta brainwaves, which is shown above as an example (4-8Hz). There is a correlation between theta and both deep sleep and alertness. Because it assists in materialising sleep and meditation states, the 4-8 Hz sound pattern is a good choice for the foundation of Sound Healing for conditions such as insomnia, stress, tension, and general anxiety.