Treat yourself to this delicious nice-cream this Valentine’s Day.


  • 4 frozen bananas, chopped  
  • ¼ cup peanut butter 
  • 1 tbsp mesquite powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla bean powder 
  • ¼ tsp salt 

Choc tahini sauce:

  • 2 tbsp cacao powder 
  • 1 tbsp hulled tahini 
  • 1 tbsp coconut nectar 
  • Boiling water, add until desired consistency is reached


1. First prepare the choc tahini sauce. Combine sauce ingredients in a small bowl and mix until all ingredients are well combined.

2. Combine all nice-cream ingredients in a high-power blender, blend until smooth and creamy.

3. Transfer to four small bowls and top with choc tahini sauce.

Optional:  add peanut butter, raw peanuts and cacao nibs (*these ingredients aren’t included in the macro calculation)

Recipe by @healthsynergy and @coconutandbliss