The New Year comes with many health and fitness resolutions, so we’re here to help you get on your way with a food cleanse. Here’s what to

 Eat a light and healthy diet. Use cooking methods such as steaming and grilling. Sauté food in a little vegetable stock or natural tomato juice. Try to fry foods rarely and if you do, use only a dash of monounsaturated oil such as olive or peanut oil.


  • Big meals
  • Dairy products
  • Sugar, honey and any foods containing sucrose, glucose, dextrose and fructose
  • Caffeine products including tea, coffee and cola
  • Alcohol
  • Red meat
  • Canned, pre-packaged, fast or heavily processed foods
  • Foods with a long shelf life
  • Condiments, such as mayonnaise and chutney

Eat In Moderation:

  • Eggs and chicken – preferably free range
  • Fruit
  • Goats’ cheese 
  • Salad dressings and vinegar
  • Wheat – if you can, avoid wheat altogether by cutting out pasta and conventional breakfast cereals and opting for gluten-free health breads and breakfast flakes made with corn maize and rice flour

Enjoy Abundant:

  • Fresh vegetables, eaten raw wherever possible
  • Rice milk – choose one that contains calcium 
  • Pulses and legumes, such as chick peas, lentils and all varieties of beans
  • Garlic, ginger and herbs to enhance the flavour of foods
  • Fish – especially the deep water varieties
  • Rice – try different varieties such as arborio, basmati, wild and brown
  • Varied foods – rotate your menus, so that you are not eating the same foods every day
  • Antioxidant-rich foods such as carrots, tomatoes, sweet potato, beetroot and leafy greens


Want to learn about ways to cleanse your mind, skin and body? Grab the January 2017 edition of Women’s Health and Fitness Magazine for the full feature!