Work your shoulders, arms and abs with rope slams! How to 1. Place both hands on [...]
Want to lose fat and gain lean muscle? Ideal Bodies Online’s Sue Heintze shares her [...]
Strengthen the core and fire up your abs with this medicine ball sit-up. If you [...]
The seated bent-over rear delt flyes can be a powerful muscle building exercise that primarily [...]
Swing your kettlebell around your body in a controlled movement for a great core workout! Pointer: Be sure to [...]
Tone your quads, arms and abs with this full-body workout Target Muscles: Glutes, Quadriceps Hamstrings, [...]
Gym-free workouts from Sara Fennell. Start by taking an excessively wide stance. The more your [...]
Focus: Legs, gluteus and shoulders Start with the weight or kettlebell to the right side, feet [...]
Body Mass Index » Calculate your Body Mass Index by simply entering in your height [...]
Adding in the use of a Swiss ball amplifies the balance element of a workout, [...]