Take a cue from your animalistic side with this high-intensity workout based on functional movement patterns, courtesy of trainer Sinead Disaya. 

Warning: requires a willingness to laugh at yourself as you crawl, sway and hop your way to a lean physique. 

Get it done

Set your timer for three minutes. Exercises are completed back-to-back as a superset, for 30 seconds each. No rest – just do the best you can in the three minutes. Rest for one to two minutes between each superset, depending on your fitness level. 

This workout combines functional movement patterns (moving the body in all directions) with high-intensity interval training (HIIT) designed to shred fat and improve mobility. Functional movement training is suitable no matter what your profession or fitness level – whether you’re an office worker who is sitting down the majority of the day, an athlete or rehabilitating post-injury. The purpose is to move your body in ways you normally wouldn’t help build strength and loosen up your joints. This can help reduce lower back pain, stiffness and poor posture. Focus on the intensity of your workouts – you only get out what you put in!

My Sweat. Believe. Roar. programs contain a balance of functional movement and traditional training methods to build lean muscle and overall strength. For my full guides visit sineaddisaya.com.

Photography: Christopher Cameron Photography

Super Set 1: 3 mins total 

Rainbow Lunges (30 secs x 3)

Rainbow Lunges focus on building muscle throughout your lower body as well as engaging your core. Start in the lunge position and keep your chest up. Brace your core and pivot your feet. Use your arms to created an arch above your body and finish again in your lunge position facing the opposite direction.

Palm Trees (30 secs x 3)

Palm Trees are a fantastic exercise for your obliques and developing the strong ‘V’ line throughout your core. Start with your feet together, holding the weight overhead with both hands, and a soft knee bend. Drive your hips laterally almost making the letter ‘C’. Brace your core each time you change direction. Try to avoid moving your arms, as they will naturally tilt as your drive your hips to the side.