Fitness model Kris J reveals her top-secret training plan for a pert butt!

The big picture:
The gluteal muscles are a group of four muscles. Three of these muscles make up the buttocks, gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. The largest, gluteus maximus, is one of the strongest muscles in the human body.

To get that perfect rounded shape you need to make sure you train all these muscles. To lift your butt, you need to have that definition between glute and hamstring, so its really important to train hamstrings as well.

My advice to you to get the best results:
»    Train hard and heavy!
»    Try to keep your heart rate up the whole workout
»    Focus on that area you are training and squeeze
»    Eat clean and try to have only one cheat day per week.

I have a problem getting that definition between my glute and hamstring, so I train glute and hamstring twice a week and glutes once a week. Even though I have high reps, I try to lift as heavy as possible to keep my heart rate up and so I can feel it burn!

Click ‘NEXT’ to read her top tips & workouts!

Photo credit: Jamie Watling